Monday, December 6, 2010

Video: Crispin Glover - Clowny, Clown, Clown

He marches to the beat of a different drummer.

That character he's dressed up as up on the cliff at the end ("Far Man?") is the same way he was dressed when he made his infamous appearance on David Letterman.

To me, though, he'll always be Jingle Dale.


  1. Wow. I just realized why I saw Nicholas Cage, some gorgeous chick & Crispin Glover hanging out together in a now defunct bookstore on 3rd Street in 1990. I couldn't understand why they were pals. Musta been one of those movie shoot romances.

  2. Was the woman Laura Dern? They were all in Wild at Heart together and 1990 is when that movie came out.

  3. It wasn't Laura Dern, but yeah, your post made me realize why I saw them together at that time - Wild at Heart. The girl seemed less than happy to have Crispin along.
