Thursday, June 9, 2011

Video: Eharmony Cat Lady

I have very mixed feelings about posting this video.   Dating videos should really be off-limits.  EVERYBODY pretty much looks like an ass in a dating video - it's unavoidable.   Also, this video is pretty much everywhere on the internets.  However, I believe this is educational on two levels - first, as the woman who created this video is now very much aware, you should not post a video to a dating site that makes you come off as bat-shit insane.  The fact that she actually went ahead and posted it is only further evidence of her dementia.  Secondly, for the men - look at her; she's young and beautiful; if you had never seen this video, you would have signed up to go out in a New York minute.  And how long into the date would it have taken before you realized you were in deep, deep trouble?  All I'm saying is, be careful out there - try and read between the lines as much as possible.  Otherwise, you might end up on a date with this.

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